Exotic Taxidermy

What started as me dressing up the showroom with a single exotic taxidermy shoulder mount has changed to Furug sourcing some of the most beautiful taxidermy for sale.  Clients would stop by looking for other fur accents, but like me would be drawn into the beautiful and unique look of our exotic pieces.  As I sold the taxidermy off of the wall I was constantly in search of other shoulder and pedestal mounts to fill in the empty spaces.  This grew to me looking all over the United States for more unique pieces.  No whitetail deer or raccoons here, the more exotic the better; zebras, yaks, longhorns, and more.  While we will not source anything endangered or a species hunted for their hides, we do find taxidermy from hunters looking to downsize their collections.

If you're looking for a statement piece of taxidermy for the wow factor, we have what you're looking for.  Our inventory is constantly changing so please keep checking back or if you're looking for something specific, reach out as we have an extensive network.

Be sure to take a look at our exotic taxidermy: exotic taxidermy for sale.

Furug | Cowhide Rugs, Zebra Hides, Buffalo Rugs, Sheepskins & More

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