Real Zebra Rugs Are A Classic

Your Guide to Buying A Real Zebra Rug

Animal skin hides are taking the interior design industry by storm. Both contemporary and traditional interior designers can’t help but swoon over the timeless beauty of animal hides. They make spaces look grand and luxurious on top of adding comfort and warmth. Among the most popular hides in the market are cowhides, buffalo hides, and zebra hides. 

As many people are looking to buy these types of materials to use in their homes – either for rugs, throw blankets, throw pillows, robes, and coats, there are also a lot of people who are using the opportunity to sell fake ones. The zebra hide is one of the hides that’s commonly faked because sellers can create one from dyeing cowhides. However, authentic zebra hides do exist and if you’re not careful and meticulous enough when finding one, you might end up purchasing a faux zebra hide instead. 

We've put together this information to help you avoid becoming a victim of a plausible imitation of genuine zebra hides. 

Where can you purchase real zebra rugs?

Only purchase from a reputable, licensed source. Check to see if the supplier holds a license that permits him to import, export, and sell zebra hides lawfully.  Furug holds a US Fish & Wildlife permit for legal importation of all animal hides.

This also guarantees that the provider adheres to zebra conservation regulations. The only subspecies of zebra that may be harvested and traded is the Burchell zebra. Unlike Grevy's zebra, Burchell zebras are not endangered.

How do you identify an authentic zebra hide from a faux one?

It’s quite difficult to identify an authentic zebra hide rug from a cowhide that’s dyed with the zebra’s skin pattern. When you are looking for a real zebra hide rug, check the product carefully and make sure you know the difference between a real one from a fake. Here are important pointers to remember when checking out a zebra hide. 

  1. Authentic zebra hides are not perfect

The flaws in a zebra's hide show that life in the wild is difficult. The quality of zebra skin is determined by these flaws. Trophy Grade is the finest and most costly of all. The appearance of a Trophy Grade zebra skin is flawless.


The skin of a Grade A zebra is just about as good as that of a Trophy Grade. It contains extremely few marks, and the majority of them are not apparent to the human eye. Grade B, on the contrary, has a greater number of apparent flaws.


The last is Grade C, which is characterized by a high number of visible flaws where wound marks are very apparent. 


  1. Each zebra rug has unique stripes

When purchasing wholesale genuine zebra hide rugs, notice that each item should have a unique pattern since the zebra pattern is unique to each zebra. 


  1. The stripes of a zebra rug are black, white, and brown. 

The most common misconception about zebras is that they only have black and white stripes. The Burchell zebra, for example, has black and brown subspecies. This zebra features black stripes that are prominent and brown stripes that are milder in tone.


How much does a real zebra rug cost?

An authentic zebra rug costs around $2000 - $3000. Keep in mind that a zebra rug's legitimacy should not be determined by its price. It doesn't imply it's a genuine deal just because it's costly. When buying one, double-check the store and always ask questions about the rug. Ask the supplier for photos of the rug and in addition, the supplier's return policy should be clear and fair. 

A zebra hide rug is quite a big purchase and so we want to help you buy the one that’s authentic. Something that you’ll surely treasure for years to come. Check out our collection of genuine animal-hide rugs at, including real zebra hides and pillows. 

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